
Another week at an end, already?!

  • August 27, 2015
Another week at an end, already?!

Hey Guys! Well, it has been another busy few week finishing jobs, installing, starting new jobs and doing heaps of measures and quotes, time just seems to be flying right past these days! The work board is continually growing – which is how we like it!! And... that's not the only thing, the newest addition to the 3 Little Birds Household is due in early March! We are so happy that we have been able to help so many people that are revamping their homes with our curtains and/or blinds – we bet they are thoroughly enjoying (or looking forward to) them. Can you believe Winter is so close...


We’re back!!

  • July 22, 2015
We’re back!!

Hey Guys, What a hectic couple of months it has been!  I am sure some of you can relate... We hope that you are all surviving winter and haven’t suffered too badly from its effects it has been having in some parts! It certainly has been a terrible winter so far and we have basically only half-way through.  On a brighter note, the past few days have been stunners and who else has noticed its starting to get darker a little later?  Spring is certainly on its way. We have certainly been kept busy with so many people wanting blinds and drapes to help keep them warm and cozy over the winter...



  • May 15, 2015

Hey Guys! It is nice to see the sun shining again isn't it?!  Feels like it has been forever though, it is still rather chilly. Hope you haven't been too badly effected by this terrible weather we were hit with earlier this week.  Our thoughts are with everyone was unfortunate enough to have suffered from it and, we hope that it does not take too long to recover from it. On a brighter note, these are some funky Roman Blinds we completed and installed this week.  Such a great way to make any room "pop" without making too much of a bold statement.   


Angled Tracks? We sure can!

  • April 28, 2015
Angled Tracks? We sure can!

Hey Guys, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend despite the wintry weather which hit and, are now feeling a little rejuvenated.  I had an amazing time in Australia, it was just a shame it had to come to an end.  Until next time... This is a stunning job which we completed and installed a couple of weeks back.  Don't these Tie Backs just complete the look! You would be surprised with some of the creations we have managed to achieve on "abnormal" tracks.  So, don't hesitate to contact us regardless what size and shape window you have.  I am sure we can come up with something...


Lest We Forget

  • April 25, 2015
Lest We Forget

Hey Guys, It has been another busy week.  We managed to get another job complete and installed between doing more quotes for potential jobs and more jobs being accepted.  With winter well on its way, I am sure we are going to be busy in coming months so, I have decided to make the most of the long weekend and escape to Aussie with a close friend for a little R'n'R. I hope like us, you are able to take a moment to pay your respects and honour and give thanks to our ANZAC's who bravely sacrificed so much to enable us to have the life and freedom we live today, which also marks 100 years. 1915-2015,...


Stripes Anyone?

  • April 17, 2015
Stripes Anyone?

Hey Guys! These Curtains and Roman Blind was another job we completed and installed this week. Unfortunately the lovely weather we had on Install Day didn't last - but, at least they now have their curtains which will do a fantastic job in blocking out this miserable winter weather which has hit again!


Roman Blinds

  • April 16, 2015
Roman Blinds

Hey Guys! We've been busy today installing Roman Blinds. We did these lovely Roman Blinds were done for a little girl's room - don't the pom-poms at the bottom add a nice unique touch! She's certainly one lucky girl. This is another set of floral Roman Blinds we installed today.  These will certainly help cheer the room up on those gloomy winter days which are nearing.


Julia and Eddie

  • October 7, 2014
Julia and Eddie

Julia and Eddie chose a bright red taffy fabric to accentuate their media room.”